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Jeff & Frank

 Joined our family October 5, 2008
and crossed the rainbow bridge
May 2020 WE MISS YOU! 

Pawed through the wall I built

Before I met you, I put up a wall that blocked my heart

But with one glance you began to tear that wall apart

What I used for protection, you replaced with love

Giving me something I had only dreamed of

Your presence made us smile

From the first day we met

You opened our soul to a feeling we longed for

Knowing you were there every day when we came home

Filled our hearts  

Your energy gave us joy

Even through the destruction of every little dog toy

We could not ever seem to get you trained

But the connection we shared could not,

would not be contained

We were expected to teach you so many things

But you my friend were the teacher on our team

Your love gave me hope

A hope and peace that goes beyond this place

And we know one day we will see your face again

For twelve years you filled our hearts

And we are forever grateful

Sleep now Tobi

Your spirit of love is embedded into our soul

And our hearts are filled with a place only you hold

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